Krakow Nights Black and White

by Sharon Popek
Krakow Nights Black and White
Sharon Popek
Photograph - Photographic Print
Krakow Town Square at night, the black and white version.
October 14th, 2017
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Comments (8)

Jenny Revitz Soper
CONGRATULATIONS! It is my great pleasure to FEATURE this striking artwork on the homepage of the FAA Group No Place Like Home, 11/03/2017! I also invite you to post it in the Features Discussion thread for posterity or any other thread that fits!

Angie Tirado
Congratulations!! This stunning Black and White image has been featured today in "Creative Black and White Fine Art Photographs" Group!! You are welcome to add a preview of this featured image to the group’s discussion post titled “Stunning Group Features in OCTOBER 2017” for a permanent display within the group, to share this achievement.